5970 US Hwy 11 Attalla, Alabama 35146
PO Box 206 Springville, Alabama 35146
Does The Rose Chapel have a set layout?
The Rose Chapel does not have a set layout. You are free to design the wedding or event of your dreams.
Do you have a preferred list of vendors?
Yes. The Rose Chapel has a list of vendors to help you plan an amazing event.
What if I use my own vendors?
At The Rose Chapel, we want your day to be special. We do not have restrictions on the vendors you can use.
We want to use your props that are available at The Rose Chapel. Is there an additional charge?
There is no additional charge to use our props, such as our victorian sofas, barrels, back drops, etc.
Can we serve alcohol?
Yes. You must have a certified bar tender and an APOST certified security guard.
© Copyright 2023 The Rose Chapel
Proudly Built, Hosted & Managed by Adam Black Media